The customer idea was to repeat the original face expression of the ancestor, but in a new beach look.
The result is here for your kind judgement.
Dear friends, let me present for your attention Mr. Morgan Freeman in his role of Red from The Shawshank Redemption movie. In
my mind this image, along with the movie itself...and with his
suggestive surname:-), symbolise the most important need in human life -
That is why I made him hold that small but truly crucial
stone-hitting hammer, by providing which he helped his friend to break
So all of you please feel FREE:-) to appraise :-)
In the old Jaffa (Tel Aviv, Israel), in
the Museum of arts a remarkable exhibition of dolls has been held. My
art works are involved in this event. Take the opportunity to invite
everyone to visit this exhibition, it will last until July 19.
photo report:
Besides let me offer to your kind attention an article praising my talants and skills:-) going out in a USA illustrated edition Art Doll Quarterly the first week of May 2014.
Dear friends,
let me boast a bit and share with you the latest news about my art being covered in media and literature:-)
In a just-published in Russia book "Men Dolls" by Svetlana Pchelnikova there is a chapter devoted to your humble friend:-) and his humble art:-)